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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: we are awaiting a news conference from president biden at the
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white house rose garden where biden is expected to take some questions, we will monitor that and bring it to you as it happens. we welcome you to "outnumbered." i am here with my cohost emily compagno, fresh back. we are glad to see you. and also kayleigh mceany. joining us today is the director of the tech policy center, kara frederick, "fox & friends" first cohost todd piro. okay here we go. so biden is preparing for the news conference. someone in the press will ask him about this. >> do you think at this point prime minister is more concerned about his political survival that he has a certain interest in his people? >> what he is doing is a mistake. i think it is outrageous. what i am calling for is for the
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israelis to just call for a cease-fire and allow for the next six to eight weeks to get total access to all food and medicine going into the country. >> harris: there he was, and his criticism is coming at a time at heightened anti-israel protesting. he is talking and they are chanting back to him. from a river to the sea and death to america has been heard across america. in places where they hate us around the globe. we have the latest. >> we know the press is going to hound him at that press conference after they rejected the united states plan for a temporary cease-fire in gaza. a moment ago we were told that he is still negotiating and we will bring you that exchange when we get that, but this is very fluid. it comes after you mentioned that he is anti-israel protests are coming up, and they descended on the cafeteria many
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of them display and blood on their hands. >> [chanting] people are dying in gaza. >> apparently they are up there again today getting tangled up with the senate hallway, but a organizer tells me that these painted hand signify too much blood being spilled in gaza, but for some israelis this conjures up a painful memory and images like this. a palestinian youth with the actual bluff of two soldiers who was lynched by a mob in 2,000. the president of human rights voices telling fox news digital that the redheads are meant to represent the emasculation of jewish people in a bloodied defeat. this is not the first time we seen this such as back in november, but here they were painted on the gates of the
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white house. meanwhile in michigan, they are chanting death to america such as they are here in this demonstration, where they are calling for revolution. >> it is not jolt that has to go. it is the entire system that has to go. this is how the lighthouse responded >> you are hearing from me i think that is important. the other part i do want to be very clear about his peaceful protest that this president has been very clear and it's important for us to give folks space to protest but any type of violent rhetoric we are going to denounce. >> we will see if they have anything has to say about this report in the last hour we've heard that they've killed three sons of the supreme leader. harris? >> harris: we will cover that as it happens thank you very much. so todd, as we cover this it
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will be remain to see if the president will make any comments about israel today. donald trump was asked about it, and we will show the audience when we get that isolated because we took the information live. but this is a hot issue for the president along with immigration and inflation. >> todd: as it should be, it is a war involving our greatest adversary. but i keep coming back to notion, how would america respond, how would president biden respond if everybody in the world told us how to fight a war, i would like to think that president biden would do the best interest within our country. not listening to the noise from the abroad. it is insulting to israel and the american people, he is leading the campaign and his loss of the michigan muslims in the far left palestinian caucus that exists within our country
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guide him on this issue when he saw that it was politically necessary for him. he is doing this to win the election, and it's not just him, you have nancy pelosi, elizabeth warren, all siding with this notion this far left notion because they want to win in november. it is sad, it is not how it should be. >> haspeak to emily what has had that is truly mind-boggling, we are now forcing them to us cease-fire by threatening to take away the ammunition and they say -- it definitely happed because we just gave them weapons. but bear in the middle of the war. so irrespective of what people would say about us if we were fighting a war, but they help us if they were already helping us or turn their backs on us? >> emily: action speak so much louder than words. on that note, that speaks volumes, let's go back to the four decades that president biden has no, because what we are hearing right now is that this administration and do
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some type of moment to moment present-day reaction that has nothing to do with this very long relationship, but let's look at these actions. in 2014 the atlantic called the relationship between the united states and israel on the brink of collapse. it was cemented during the obama administration, because of the reasonable rest -- certain aspects that were opposed -- and then it became a deviation from the important partnership between israel and the united states. joe biden at the time said that he did not agree with anything you say, but i love you. to me, that unprofessional callous sort of demeaning tone, that is reflected here. i do not believe that the president knows exactly what he is saying, i believe that he is just going back and forth between the current state and people are telling them we have
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to win in michigan and we are losing voters on the left, and he is ignoring the most strongest alliance of our countries for decades. such as when he appointed the ambassador, september and 23, almost two years after assuming presidency, to me this is a unfortunate reality that this president does not represent the strength of that relationship that us americans shall. >> harris: our reporter and the president went back and forth on the hostages for the cease-fire. we had such a show? no? okay. our reporter said any movement and they said they are still negotiating. and he said still negotiating and joe biden says nothing appears to not. >> emily: to me, that is the key point. october 7th happened, we know what happened, and i will say it again, babies were put into evidence, women were taken advantage of, that happened and
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many others and in this people e building say we are with them but give it time and give it a few weeks give it a few months invited and we predict will backpedal. qbr a few months with an election and their hostages more than a hundred and 30 hostages who are american and what is the call? cease fire to your point when you said is so important that if we as a country have more than a hundred and 30 hostages at the hands of the enemy like houston, where our citizens were put in ovens, and people told us to put down your arms and cease-fire, no, thank you. the president should stand in israel and by the way he should come gunned the chanting, because if the trump administration had said that yes you do speak for the president but the press would not get let you get away with that. >> harris: what is interesting
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about that, people were breaking into businesses and police officers were even killed in one of our great cities by protesters who were being allowed to work it out. enjoy their freedom if you will, so death to america, freedom of speech, i agree, but it does not mean you cannot comment that you do not agree with that. >> kara: we have given these protesters so many space. we said maybe they didn't know what they were saying but now they say they have their bed hands, but then they lynching of those soldiers. we need to stop and because america has sadie killed and americans have killed october 7th at least five hostages in custody. america is in this fight. so we need to act like. >> harris: when did you hear the american president mentioned american names who were killed or even taken hostage?
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can he go there? can anybody in the administration go there? on this day? that is a challenge. i am curious to see why they are asleep the switch. i get get it back and we leave no americans behind, but we did in afghanistan so maybe it's pae course. biden says he is not sure he has the power to do anything about it at the border, he said he might but now he doesn't -- more comments coming up next. is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear®
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>> kayleigh: the border crisis continues to spiral out of control, thousands of people are flooding into the country
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illegally, more than six millions have come into our country and that is more than the population of 33 separate states. that is president biden's doing. he is not sure if he has the power to do anything about it. >> there is no guarantee that i have that pallet all by myself. without legislation. and someone suggested i should just go ahead and try it and if i can shut down by the court then i get shut down but were trying to work through that right now. >> kayleigh: so we have heard this repeatedly, he does not have the power or looking or exploring, i am going to use a phrase he likes to use, malarkey it is malecki mr. president. emily, let's put up the immigration and nationality act. here you go, section 212. you have the power to suspend the entry of all undocumented --
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as long as the present ticket wants if it's detrimental to the interest of the united states. when donald trump use this he was reined in but as you know emily, these are road maps for how to use the power within the bounds the court sets. >> emily: in normal american history, the united states president would provide a road map of what a leader looks like with the heart looks like, not a invertebrate human shaking in their boots, i'm not sure what power i have all by myself. it is disheartening to be an american and have that approach be our commander in chief. we all know what the absence of a righteous leader looks like. it is chaos that we see a church and in homes and we see this in our country. if we had a good leader, an actual righteous man in the white house perhaps we would see someone who stands up and says not on my watch and not any
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longer. and yes let the supreme court circumscribes me a little more. but i will shoot for the moon and the stars because i represent you america. i do not want someone feeble, but that's who we have. >> kayleigh: we have a press operation in the white house, take a look at this time, they were saying we might use this power for all this time. we see that cnn says that he is considering new consecutive action to restrict asylum, and the biden administration is considering executive action to deter illegal immigration, they say there might be a reset moment where there is a bold move he is considering. an executive order to reduce the flow at the border, but now we have new press pieces. how many times do you felt the same idea to the press? >> todd: also, at kayleigh mceany, to be clear, he feels like he has congress'
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power when he has student loans and ignoring student -- but the commander in chief does not think he has the power or unclear to the power to stop an actual invasion. let me make this clear, we do not have power and you cannot do what you're doing but yes you can stop the invasion at the border. one other point, he said his team is working on it trying to figure out if he has this power, have you been in office for three and a half years? the invasion has been happening for most of that time. you worked fast to get trump indicted if you wanted to, speed up the clock to figure out if you can stop the invasion. >> kayleigh: they withstood the true test of the supreme court of time and not all of them which challenge why not put this in place? >> harris: when you talk to the former acting attorney general and you asked if there are some of the 94 who work better than others, yes, so you don't have to's flipped the
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switch that was put into place that was working, but the key pt is that talking point. i do not know if i have the power but martin is working on it. i don't even know if kj p's attorney. if they are attorneys they are better at it. he has the power or whether or not we know that he has this, but the last line was key, maybe we will just float this out there and see what happens. yes, so he gets the political benefits of failing to the point that he didn't want to make in the first place, like taking executive action. saying he couldn't take it because once the courts voted against me. it is not my fault but i have tried. >> kayleigh: i think the president is scared here, when he announced he supported the senate bill that was floating around, the others came out against him and he is petrified that progressives will leave him if he takes unilateral action. >> kara: it is true.
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he's also very afraid of michigan and what the voters will do for him there, or even gen z, so that is part of it. but the bill you mentioned is key that he wants that passed because that will facilitate more immigration into this country. so the republicans have a bill that was passed that would tighten everything up and they are looking at this alternative that will get more immigration into the country and the house has already spoken and he is afraid of that as well taking it from all sides. >> kayleigh: so much for her but not enough boldness. we will keep watching. so trump stopped at a chick-fil-a restaurant, which so happens to be near the fulton county jail. we expect them to make more public remarks before that, he ordered 30 milk shakes to hand out to everyone. he had a very enthusiastic reception as he shook the
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workers hand, someone was hugging him. if he speaks again, we will bring you live. try that chick-fil-a sauce, it is really good. we are waiting for president biden and we will bring that to you live one that begins. plus, npr's editor says that the news outlet has lost the public's trust. imagine that. their response coming up next.
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dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. >> kayleigh: npr is being forced to defend itself, after editor of the company publish an article blasting the outlet for being biased.
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this piece in the free press is titled "i have been npr for 25 years, here's how we lost america's trust" npr chose to cover trump negatively, and cherry-pick which stories they would pursue. >> after while we started covering trump in a way that like a lot of legacy news organization, we were trying to damage his presidency, and he will be click to. and will be latched onto west ws russian collusion. but it was just rumors based on pretty weak documents. we used him as a muse to the trump collusion story. and then the report cannot and there was no collusion. and then the story disappeared.
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>> kayleigh: these are things that we knew if we had your eyes open. but that is very powerful coming from someone who was a editor at npr. open mind and spirit no longer exists he stated, calling out the lack of diversity does not . >> at one point i got so frustrated with what i saw with the lack of different perspective with end of the covers we were looking at. especially with voter registration on our staff. we found eight to seven registered democrats, and zero republicans. and i presented this at a large news meeting and i said something was wrong here. >> kayleigh: zero republicans. think about that, but the editor in chief brushed off the allegations. saying that they strongly disagree and we are proud to
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stand behind the exceptional work and we try to cover a wide range of challenging stories. we believe that inclusion in our overall coverage is crucial to telling the the nuanced story of this country and our world. harris, we see this again and again and i applaud him for coming forward with what we saw. this is at the first time we've heard this from the main outlets. >> harris: considering the fact that we are in a election season for president. my focus is on those voters. particularly democrats who are listening and getting most of their news from national public radio. what are they being led to believe? one thing is true -- apparently whoever is putting out the content for npr is not interested in debate. so you do not know if you are getting a real poll of contested greatly debated information because it's all coming from the same people who think like, or
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have the same value system. if you are going to church that is one thing, but npr is not a worship hall, that is where all ideas are supposed to be debated and collected and presented. so i worry about those voters, there may be a reason why they see things the way they do, because that information is polluted and they have not looked through the things that are not true. >> kayleigh: very much still in kara, this was eye-opening, they talked about hunter biden and his laptop, it was newsworthy but it was being squelched. during the meeting he listened as one of the best and most fair-minded journalist said it was good we were not following the laptop story because it can help trump. these are generalists. >> kara: this is the problem with this monopoly on this information, that is what we saw by and large in the 2020 election with big tech and media
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for the most part and the exception with this network, look at what was happening on twitter, remembered the links to "the new york post" stories, they were blocked. so that's what happens when they had that ideological monopoly on the information and the environment. you look at diversity and inclusion when it comes to skin tone, but not how you think. and that is hugely problematic for americans making their own decisions with all the information at hand. >> kayleigh: let's take a listen to the assessment of the story because it is fascinating. >> not only did they fire me, they called me a cycle and said horrible things about me publicly. so it does not surprise me what they had to say, and this was of course before trump, so they are insulated collection of people who think they are right. they have a hard time with
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people who are different. so even for me, i do not think i am a wild eyed conservative, but they thought i was too conservative for black eye for the company. >> todd: he raises a crucial point. this divergent of opinion is what we want on air. he is not one of these guys who are going to be attending cpac next year, he is a hard-core liberal but he is asking for divergent points of view on air so that the npr listener can get that, but what you have is do not let their smooth tone on npr's fool you, they are a far left propaganda machine, but when msnbc does it? they are allowed to do with because they are not funded by the taxpayer. but npr is funded by your taxpayer dollars, you are paying for it so they should represent a cross-section of the taxpayers out there. 87 out of nothing does not
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represent a cross-section. >> kayleigh: i love your statement about their tone because it is sleep inducing, but at other outlets, we don't have time to put the information up, but article was written talking about the new york time and how they lost their way. they put trigger warnings are advocated for trigger warnings on conservative pieces. imagine what we do not know. generalists have spoken up but what you think we don't know? >> emily: i am so struck by this because this -- the truth coming out will no doubt be totally squashed by the same machine that has perpetuated it. the npr we grew up with we talked about this that back in 2011 a good quarter what conservatives are middle-of-the-road and 37% were liberal they really did reflect the diversity of ideological thoughts of what a verica look like nothing made us prouder than hearing that. people were listening to morning
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addition and that wasn't greater cut to 2023, we have the muse of russia and the collusion nonsense with adam schiff. he was interviewed 25 times and became their guiding light in the true north of what then was not only printed by them, but then imprinted by everybody else. the adam schiff was silence for those comments and his lies. the lies. and that has been maintained by that guiding light for the coverage. so how far we have fallen and how much it has broken her heart, it is because of the reaction to trump. i fear we will never get back to anything that even remotely reflects that other than here where their views are safe and protected no matter how different they are. >> kayleigh: there is great incentive if you do that. so i spaded it kamala harris
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trying to give her boss of bruce, getting a peek into her s vice president. plenty of her signature laugh included. coming up next. ♪ ♪
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approve of kamala harris. yikes. could it be that voters do not think she cares about what is important to them? perhaps. take a peek at the latest podcast interview where she gushed over how funny president biden is. >> let's dip into a little workplace gossip. who are your favorite coworkers? who do you have the most fun with? >> the person that i definitely have a fun with is president biden. he is fantastic. he can be very serious, but he is also has an incredible sense of humor. >> emily: she also women as of a hard time for the warehouse. >> i do not get to text people anymore i have all these things on my phone that prevent -- for the sake of security -- that i used to love our family group text
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messages, like -- it was everything. such as when -- it was so good. >> emily: i am sorry you either vice president now and have to be protected because national security is within your purview. is this what americans want to hear? >> kara: no. not with when americans -- especially when we have 300 illegal -- on the terror watch list apprehended at the southern border making a massive national security imperative. we do not know how many have crossed our borders with malicious intent. if they are waiting to be activated we do not know, and kamala harris is supposed to be investigating the root causes of the border, and she is also supposed to be the artificial intelligence in charge, she is also tasked with looking at the relationship within europe when it came to the ukraine conflict
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and now she's on podcast completely disconnected and that seems to be the problem with the biden administration as a whole. >> emily: do you think that central role will work? or they going to just steamroll over the points that they just made saying is in a just amazing she's on the podcast right now? >> kayleigh: every politician wants to be likable and relatable, and they are going to be encouraged to do something like this and i do not blame folks who say look you want to be the canada everyone wants to have a beer with, but this was not the right place for her. as someone who duck tales of a candidate strategy, you want the right thing for your principles and your boss, but the right thing for her is not to be likable or respectable she needs to be respectable -- she lost that with the border and the way she laughed and delivered her phrases and all of the gas -- she started to rehabilitate a little, if i was a democrat i
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would say yes she is hitting the points but i would have not put her in this place to talk about texting or gaming apps, i would put her in a spot where she delivers on policy. >> kara: it's like being in the middle of the game showing a player laughing on the sideline, are you winning? it's fine, are you losing? don't laugh it is offending us. get your head in the game and get to work. >> harris: yes, because if you are winning and laughing on the sidelines, you don't eat until the meal is over. you do not get up from the ta table. it was a human thesaurus, that's what she has, he is funny and humorous and has a great sense of humor, this the function of what she was asked. that's where she was asked these questions. i agree with both you kara and also kayleigh mceany. you put your candidates in positions where you are human eyes, but not where they do not help her. we know she is going to struggle
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with the word salad and become a human thesaurus, do not remind us of that during the interview especially at this point in the election. why can't she do both? why can't she say that she wants to talk about certain important issues. it may just be a word salad as well, but it is worth a try or with a shot. >> todd: might take away is how desperate are they who put someone who is three points below the president out there to communicate the point that president biden is captain fun. we know he is not but it reeks of desperation. >> emily: onto this, the board game scrabble is making changes, they want to cater to the gen z people. the new version more inclusive and less competitive and maybe everybody gets a trophy. sounds like a whole lot of no more fun. coming up next.
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>> donald trump says kill it. i am john roberts join us at the top of the hour for all the action on "america reports." >> kayleigh: we've all played scrabble, the game that has been around since the 40s has making changes to attract gen z, so here's the changes. shorter games, crew cards, meth is not required, even a no more scoring option. this way nobody's getting feelings hurt when they lose. it's also not scrabble anymore. this is the update delivers a more inclusive and less
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repetitive and totally boring version for all players. so i feel like you are their biggest champion you are over supporting him, but kara, this is hideous, when i lose i am okay with it because i rise to the challenge. i do not need to be coddled. >> kara: i have no problem with this and hear his why, we make things faster sometimes such as major league baseball they've made changes to the game to make it faster. people hate that, but people of whom want quicker games. but if you do not change something to make it work awo woke, -- this is just updating the game and making it more appealing and may be more people are interested in this no problem with that as long as you're not adding weird new words i am okay with that. he >> emily: what is this? no. it's boring. >> todd: i have a direct response and it response to
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baseball, this is part of the decline of america. gen z has a probable compe competition. steel sharpens steel, one of my friend says when he goes into a major room locker room these days, kids do not have a burning desire to be the best. they don't have the burning desire to lead, they are all on the phones i do not take advice and uses this an adult, because your husband will know who this person is -- but the point is when he had a bad game, the catcher picked him up and threw him into the locker room and said be better. let me tell you something, he won world series with that catcher, how can we win a war with the was a fixation of america -- >> emily: i am with you all the way. this matters, it's true, we need
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more kids fighting back, like tiktok and looking at educational videos, and we doing fun dance videos in our brains are falling out of our ears -- this is a big problem that exacerbates it. >> harris: i will say this, sometimes whatever it takes i still plan to win. i am a good speller, i have a huge vocabulary, i will always win. i do not care what they do, but if that gives you extra point and you think you can beat me bring it on. [laughter] spoken like a true millennial. because of gen z would've taken the loss. >> just make a new game did not make us hate scrabble keep our competitive edge and keep a sharp and make a new game and call it l.a. an and e.
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done.
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like newday usa. >> last but not least families across the nation seem to be divided on an important issue, how do you load the dishwasher?
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the average american household has 18 arguments a month about dishes. while matt, i think there's something else going on. [laughter] anyway one couple tells them they are divided over the best technique. one says she "just make sure everything fits, it may look random and messy but i know where it all is" the other one says they make a mental map of how the water moves. you know what? before i put the dishes in. if we are going to wash it we should make sure it is clean as it can be. that's a lot of discussion. i mean, we talk about other stuff like where are we going on the weekend, babe? terra? >> i think the solution is you marry a man who went to boot camp and that will be loaded with such efficiency it will blow your mind up five solution. >> here is my advice to all of those couples with a team arguments a month? just do it and that's their job.
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either you both do it and you are cool with the other person's way or one person doesn't and that's their job. >> that's what we do. i always load and tony always puts it away. >> totally. >> that's how we do it. >> i would like to be invited back to "outnumbered" where i am outnumbered by ladies and to my pyro household when i go back home so i will skip this answer and say the picture i mentioned that i could say his name one that david wells world series winner perfect game always a fan of the show i will say as a dude we agree with about 80%. it's the last 20% she wants to be strategic i say throw them. i'm also fired up the fact that we run our dishwasher twice a week. when i was a bachelor i use the same plate, same fork, wash it once a day and it never rewatch. >> she still married you? >> no comment. >> my husband and i are these people who argue about the dishes. he says you don't have to pay rent i say you do.
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he has a mental map and he is like the water literally does not move this way and i'm like no, it goes everywhere so we have these arguments about the dishes but not about other things like faith and politics et cetera. >> don't forget to put the sponge in the dishwasher, everyone! speak or use paper plates when you can. in just a few moments we will see president biden holding a joint news conference with japan's my minister in the rose garden. we saw earlier marks from them and the prime minister at the first official follow-up and now in the rose garden full-throated from both of them their policies and how they are working on what they call the robust relationship, "america reports" now. >> sandra: we are watching the u.s. stock market as the dow continues to sink following the release of the latest inflation report. dow at 431


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